While I've been away on holiday a Krispy Kreme has opened at Birstall in Leeds. My daughter told me while i was away, "all the girls keep coming into college with, krispy kremes". Then when I went into work yesterday (for the first time since my holiday), all the girls were telling me about it, it's like a phenomenon, every one is going crazy for Krispy Kreme's, it is actually causing traffic jams and blocking the road. So last night, Robyn and I decided to go to Ikea, which just happens to be up at Birstall. It didn't have anything to do with my dark desire for cakes (in this case donut's) honest. But we did have to trot across the road to Krispy Kreme and while we cued inside the shop (the drive through was choc a block too), a nice young man came down the line with free glazed donut's, it would have been rude not to have one, so I did and then bought a box of twelve assorted. I would have taken a picture to show you lovely said box of assorted donu...